Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a very common breathing disorder.  It involves an airway obstruction which makes it more difficult to breathe while sleeping and often is accompanied by snoring.  Snoring is common with OSA because the airway is restricted and the air pressure is increased, causing the tissue in the throat to vibrate loudly.  Sometimes, breathing can stop altogether, and then the brain causes the body to awaken to open the airway, and the process starts over again.  Failure to correct this problem can cause a variety of health issues, including general fatigue, concentration issues, chronic headaches, as well as increased blood pressure, and many additional systemic health problems.  A CPAP machine is the standard of care for severe OSA, but those diagnosed in the mild to moderate range can receive similar treatment benefits with a custom oral sleep apnea appliance.  This appliance moves the lower jaw open and forward to create more airway space while sleeping, therefore allowing a more sound and consistent night’s rest.